Silicium Mono Silicic Acid 1L


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SILICIUM is the purest and cleanest form of plant available mono silicic acid

The content is clear and is a stabilized product, manufactured in a professional laboratory ensuring the highest possible quality standards. When added in water, the silicic acid molecules break apart into monomer form which makes them instantly available to the plants

SILICIUM also contains:

  • Contains Soluble potash
  • Boron to enhance Calcium uptake and stimulate the production of plant fibers. Boron is essential for seed and cell wall formation
  • Molybdenum Essential to convert inorganic phosphates to organic forms in the plant. It also takes care that Nitrogen is moved from lower to upper leaves
  • Increases the photosynthesis and the water-use efficiency.
  • Increases disease resistance and the quality of the seeds and it activate enzymes and control their reaction rates.